Friday, May 17, 2013

What can I do with radishes, you ask?

           Radishes are in the back left

I started growing radishes a few springs ago when someone told me how fast they grew.  I'm not actually sure if I had ever really eaten a radish, but I grew them none the less. I also found out later that my Nana loved them, too, which now always make me think of her when I bite into these little beauties. Now, radishes are delicious in a salad, adding color, crunch, and just enough spice, but if you really want to enjoy a radish, I'm going to fill you in on a secret.... Are you listening?  You have to put them on bread.

No, seriously.  Start with good bread, I like sourdough or Italian.  Slice it, butter it with real butter, top it with thinly sliced radishes, and finish it with a sprinkle of sea or kosher salt.  Trust me, this may be one of the best snacks you'll ever eat!  As a matter of fact, I may go have to pull some out of my garden right now because my mouth is watering just writing about it.

  Take my word for it, go grow some radishes (or go to the store, whatever) and then eat them on bread.  You will thank me for it!


  1. OK so I've never been a radish fan
    But I'm feeling the crunch
    and I gotta say.....I didn't know I was hungry.
    You make it look and read very appetizing!
    :) Beth

  2. Oh, these are definitely worth a try!
